Code Queen was hired to restructure and organize the existing content of a Wix website.  Wireframing was used to plan out the user navigation on SEO friendly structured  pages.  While the original website had great repetitive content, it was a little confusing for users to find the information they were looking.  Categorized lists, categorized pages, FAQ's and the use of Blog posts were used to create an user friendly website.  Product stats there used to be displayed across multiple apps were combined into one central database using SpreadSimple in order to provide a singular database for maintenance and searching.

Code Queen was hired to restructure and organize the existing content of a Wix website.  Wireframing was used to plan out the user navigation on SEO friendly structured  pages.  While the original website had great repetitive content, it was a little confusing for users to find the information they were looking.  Categorized lists, categorized pages, FAQ's and the use of Blog posts were used to create an user friendly website.  Product stats there used to be displayed across multiple apps were combined into one central database using SpreadSimple in order to provide a singular database for maintenance and searching.